The OO Modules project is a OO version of the N gauge Johannes Modules. Like the Johannes Modules the OO Modules utilise Kato Unitrack, but the HO version.
Each main module is basically a cuboid 738 mm long (two lengths of 369mm straight track), 90 mm high and 200 mm wide (although this is negotiable) with the track centreline 100 mm from the “front” face. 45 degree and 90 degree curved sections have been fabricated to join modules to form a continuous run.
Members take a module and exercise their creativity and building skills (individually or in groups) to provide scenic interest to their module(s). Alternatively, a member can build their own module from scratch, providing the length, height and track line conform to the standard.
Below are some examples and the configuration currently used on club nights for running sessions.

(More to come)